Farmington Hills’ Favorite Arcade is on the Move
Hey folks, you may have heard the buzz on the street – Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum looks like it’s getting ready to move! A recent Facebook post dropped the hint that they might be signing a lease for a new spot in just a week or two. It’s a bit of a compromise – they won’t get the ceiling heights they’ve been eyeing, but it’ll definitely be bigger.
The best part is, it’s not moving too far away from the current place. For those who’ve been worried about their beloved arcade getting displaced, this has gotta be good news!
The current owner, a chap called Jeremy Yagoda, hasn’t been available to chat about it yet. As we know, Marvin’s came close to shutting its doors last year when the news broke that their home in a local strip mall was scheduled for demolition. A new shopping center, with a fancy Meijer grocery store as the main attraction, is due to rise in its place. Let’s just say fans didn’t take too kindly to the news – more than 50,000 signed a petition pleading to save this local gem.
Thanks to Farmington Hills Mayor Theresa Rich and some diligent city officials, they’ve been working hard to find a solution for Marvin’s. Their efforts to help secure a new location seem to be paying off. It’s such great news to see an institution that’s been around for more than 40 years have the opportunity to continue serving up wholesome family fun.
Marvin’s started out in the former Tally Hall food court way back when and ended up finding a solid home in their current location where they’ve spent decades bringing joy to both young and old.
It’s not just the games that make Marvin’s special – their astounding collection of memorabilia also draws in crowds. So, here’s raising a joystick to Marvin’s and wishing them the very best on their new adventure. Keep an eye on this space, as we’ll let you know just where their new home will be as soon as the lease is signed.
Happy gaming, everyone!