Farmington Hills City Opens Cooling Center Amid Soaring Temperatures
As temperatures soar this week across metro Detroit, the city of Farmington Hills is taking a proactive step in ensuring the comfort and safety of its residents. The Costick Activities Center has been converted into a cooling center available for everyone who needs respite from the heatwave.
This relief measure is due to start from Tuesday, August 27, running up to 9 p.m., and will continue to be open on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, August 28-30, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. The Costick Activities Center is conveniently located at 28600 Eleven Mile Road.
The sizzling summer heat poses a risk to air quality conditions and can cause distress for older adults, children, and individuals with respiratory concerns. Citizens are urged to check on their family, pets, friends, and neighbors, ensuring that everyone remains safe and healthy.
The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) has also advised locals to take voluntary steps to lower their emissions, hence reducing ozone formation. This is in a bid to maintain air quality during these extremely hot days.
SEMCOG’s suggested strategies include:
- Delaying lawn mowing until evening or picking another day entirely, as emissions from lawn mowers and other gas-powered yard equipment contribute to ozone formation.
- Orienting towards eco-friendly commute styles, such as driving less, telecommuting, walking, or biking, all of which reduce air pollution and save money.
- Refraining from refueling vehicles during daylight hours as fumes released at the gas pump also contribute to ozone formation.
- Reducing electricity usage by turning off lights, adjusting your thermostat a few degrees warmer, and switching off other electronic appliances when not in use.
If anyone wants more information about the cooling center at the Costick Activities Center, calls are welcomed by authorities at 248-473-1800 between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can also explore the Oakland County website for information about other cooling center locations throughout Oakland County.